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Allie Mikels

My name is Allie Mikels, and I love food.

But I didn’t always. Like many of us, my relationship with food has been complicated.

Am I eating too much? Too little? Do I meet society’s (unrealistic) expectations of what a woman should look and be like? Will I ever?

Then I started CrossFit in 2016; and for the first time in my life, I felt strong and powerful. The more passionate about fitness I became, the more I realized that it mattered what I was putting into my body. For appearance, sure (who doesn’t love to see some abs?!); but also for how I could perform. And if I wanted to kick ass, I had to be giving my body the nutrients – and the fuel – it needed. Not only for tomorrow, or next week, or even next year; but for 40 years from now. I love hiking, kayaking, long walks with my dog, and lifting heavy weights – and I want to develop the habits now that give me the best shot of doing all these things for years to come.

Nutrition is important for athletes. But it’s also important for the new college graduate who’s planning their meals for the first time. For the working parent who wants to be a good role model but is short on time. For the retiree who’s worked hard for years and deserves full enjoyment of the free time they’ve earned. No matter how old or young we are, whether we’re experienced or brand new, I believe that proper nutrition coaching/support can help get us where we want to be.

The journey to health and happiness isn’t a perfect one. We fall down, we get back up. We learn, we grow, and we move the needle towards where we want to be.

And I believe that, if you’re willing to commit, we can achieve the results you want to see – together.

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  • Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification

  • Working Against Gravity Nutrition Coach Certification

  • M.Ed. Community Development and Action, Vanderbilt University

  • B.A. Public Policy Studies / Economics, Vanderbilt University

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