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Amy Obermeier

Back in 2012, I begrudgingly attended a big event at a local crossfit gym where I ended up participating in an 8 min AMRAP for beginners. Despite my athletic background and the amount of running I was doing at the time, I was sore for so many days. I knew then that this was something I had to do. Since then, crossfit has given me more than I could have ever imagined. It improved my running drastically, seeing me through many halves and a full marathon, it has challenged me competitively, it led me to some really awesome weightlifting experiences, and it has served me well throughout three pregnancies. I have spent time coaching crossfit to teenagers, weightlifting to barbell classes, and I’ve also spent time working out by myself in the garage. But there is nothing like the community that is crossfit, these relationships  last a lifetime. So I am very excited to be a part of this DCL community and helping athletes explore how crossfit can impact their world. 

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CrossFit Level 1 

CrossFit Kids

CrossFit Endurance

USAWeightlifting Level 2

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