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Matt Biolsi

I’ve been doing CrossFit since 2008. I started my journey like most, someone who was doing boring gym routines and was always looking for something more. I found CrossFit while deployed and have stuck with it ever since. The best part about CrossFit is the constant mental challenge I get. The workouts push you both mentally and physically and there is always something to work on. I started coaching CrossFit around 2011 at another local gym and soon found myself coaching at 2 other facilities because I enjoyed working with people so much. The more I learned, the better at coaching I got. Eventually I found myself working with people 1 on 1 in my garage and soon found the need to open my own facility.

In 2014 my dream came true and I left the army and opened up my own facility to be my own boss and train people everyday. I have worked with people at various stages of their lives from tactical athletes, moms and dads, to cancer patients. I am a student of my craft and am constantly learning and expanding my library. I strive to be the best coach I can be and love to share my knowledge with everyone I meet. Owning this gym is the highlight of anything I could have ever done and I look forward to working with everyone I can.

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  • CrossFit Level 3 Trainer

  • Westside Barbell Personal Trainer

  • USAW Sports Performance coach

  • CrossFit Endurance

  • CrossFit weightlifting

  • CrossFit Mobility

  • CrossFit Powerlifting

  • CrossFit Strongman

  • CrossFit Judges Course

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